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Large Commercial Office

38,000 Square Foot Building With 0.6o ACH

Our team performed an Air Tightness Test on a large commercial building in Oakville, Ontario built by Pearce McCluskey Architects. The building itself is over 38,000 square feet, or 3,500+ square metres on 2 levels. The result was a very impressive 0.60 ACH! A credit to the project team’s attention to detail.

Our team of Energy Advisors (EA) set up 4 sets of blower door equipment at the front of the building in anticipation of a higher ACH result. The building was so tight it only required 2 of the 4 fans to achieve the depressurization needed for the test. The airtightness testing was overseen by our Ontario Assistant Regional Manager, David Hope with assistance from EAs Liana Di Ilio, Mike MacKay and Michael Lagimodiere.

Label/Certification: –

Heating Load: n/a

Location: Oakville, ON

Cooling Demand: n/a

Year Completed: 2022

EnerGuide Rating: –

Designer/Architect: Pearce McCluskey Architects

Airtightness: 0.6ACH


Slab: CIP Reinforced Concrete

Above Grade Walls: Aluminum Composite Metal Panel Assemblies

Above Grade Floor Area: 38, 475 square feet

Below Grade Walls: n/a

Below Grade Floor Area: n/a

Ceiling: Hollow core slab

Heat Demand: n/a

Ventilation: Packaged Rooftop Unit

Windows: –

Heating/Cooling: Lennox LGH092H4B Gas/Electric

Hot Water: –

Renewables: n/a

AeroBarrier: –
Drain Water Heat Recovery: –

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